Stage 3 - Ready to Take Action
One point to remember, internet advice can be sub optimal advice. We have seen lawyers and self proclaimed experts post recommendations that are not incorrect per se, but they are not the best course of action. We have also seen this with experienced lawyers. One example of this occurs with certain bankruptcy attorney's that shy away from Chapter 13 cases since they are more complicated to work on. They will then "steer" prospective clients into a Chapter 7 even when its not the BEST course of action. Hire an attorney is like hiring a financial advisor. Any investment advisor is happy to take your money and place it into investments. What makes a good advisor is his/her ability to pick the right ones. Attorneys are not commodities and legal solutions often come down to judgement calls.
Key Issues to Consider in Stage 3:
1. Which Law Firm shall I select?
a. Is the attorney in good standing with the State Bar Association.
b. Use local firms?
c. Meet your attorney in person?
2. When is the optimal time to file??
3. How much will the Bankruptcy cost?